Thursday, August 25, 2016

Call for 2017 Proposals - The 10th Annual Texas STEM Conference

The theme for the 2017 Texas STEM Conference is A Decade of Success in STEM.  The four strands for the conference are: (1) STEM Leadership Blueprint, (2) STEM Best Practices, (3) Technology, and (4) Successful Partnerships.  Sessions include workshops (either 45 or 90 minutes) or a short course (3 hours). 
Speaker proposals are due August 31, 2016. Proposals will be screened and selected by a committee. Online submission is available here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

CISD Mathematics Universal Screener: Grades K - 5

*Note: Information related to the 6 - 8 Screeners will be communicated separately.

The information below is specific to the K - 5 Mathematics Universal Screeners.

Universal screeners are assessments administered to all learners to determine as early as possible, which learners are struggling or lacking specific knowledge or skills in a given area.  These screenings should be administered three times per year.

This video will show you how to access all the documents, explain the resources and give you directions on how to prepare for and administer the Universal Screener. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Texas Gateway

In February 2016, the Texas Education Agency announced the new Texas Gateway.

Learn about the Texas Gateway here:

On the Texas Gateway, you may access the Mathematics TEKS Supporting Information:

Also, the Gateway includes Professional Development opportunities including Response to Intervention (RtI):

In addition, using the Search feature, you may access Lesson Plans, Student Activities, and Assessments.

Finally, you may search by TEKS for content to use with your learners:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

CAMT 2017 Speaker Proposals - Due September 1

The Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT) is an annual Texas conference for K-12 mathematics teachers.  The three-day conference is conducted each summer, on a rotating basis, in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.

The next CAMT will be held in Fort Worth, TX, July 10 - July 12, 2017.

Speaker proposals are due September 1, 2016.  If you are interested in submitting a speaker proposal, please use the following link:

The CAMT registration fee is waived for one speaker per proposal submitted.