Wednesday, January 28, 2015

TASA on iTunes U Expands to Include Elementary Core Content Course Collections

On January 26, 2015, the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) announced the addition of elementary core content area course collections on iTunes U.  The number of resource collections now total 58 for educators supporting most K-12 math, science, social studies, ELA, and CTE courses.  

Educators may access the resources by visiting  

The video linked below explains how to access the new resources on an iPad:

The full press release from TASA can be found here:

If you have any questions regarding these resource collections, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mary Kemper or Ashley Minton (Elementary Math Coach).

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Math TEKS Resources Available on TEA Website

The Revised Math TEKS were adopted in 2012 and implemented in grades K-8 in 2014-2015.  The Texas Education Agency has created a web page devoted to resources for parents and teachers as we transition to these new standards.

Resources for parents on the site include links to the new Interactive Math Glossary and Think Through Math, provided free to learners in grades 3-8 in the state of Texas.

Parents also may utilize links to the TEKS and side-by-side comparison documents, clarifying the updates that were made in the standards.

Resources for teachers on the site include a new document, TEKS with "Such As" Statements.  This document contains the "such as" statements that were included in the review committees' final recommendations for revision to the mathematics Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).  Such as statements are possible illustrative examples and are not required to be included in instruction in the TEKS.  This document is intended to serve as a resource for teachers in designing instruction for the revised mathematics TEKS.

Finally, the site includes links to online professional development sessions to support educators' understandings of the revised TEKS.

I encourage you to spend some time bookmarking this page, reviewing the materials, and collaborating and communicating about the revised TEKS with your colleagues.