Sunday, August 30, 2015

Personal Financial Literacy: K-5

Did you know our youngest of learners are building their knowledge of personal financial literacy?  With our Revised (2012) TEKS, children in kindergarten through grade 8 are learning to manage their financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial security!

How powerful is it that we are working to equip our learners to be responsible with their financial decision making?  Understanding wants and needs, spending, saving, and charitable giving begins before age 7!  

A summary of the standards in K-5 are illustrated in the infographic below.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Math & Science Inquiry Experiences: Back to School 2015

Today we had the huge opportunity to collaborate with our friends in science to provide elementary educators inquiry experiences to take back to their classrooms.

Resources shared at this Professional Development are available on the CISD Elementary Math Website:

Or, directly linked here:

Kinder-2nd educators participated in these stations to connect Data and Earth Science:

  • Sorting Rocks
  • Components of Soil
  • Weather Information
3rd-5th educators participated in these stations to connect Data and Earth Science:
  • Representing Weather Data
  • Appearance of the Moon
  • Measuring Deltas

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

2015 - 2016 Professional Learning Opportunities - Region 10

All sessions are free of charge for teachers currently employed in Region 10 districts. For session descriptions or to register for an event, visit and click on Workshop Registration from the top navigation bar. For assistance logging into the Region 10 website, please contact our Help Desk at 972-348-1234.

Additional training, webinars and videos will be scheduled and provided throughout the year!
Online courses are available in the Region 10 Online Learning Center at

Coppell ISD Educators interested in attending professional learning through Region 10 should communicate with their campus principal.

Mathematics Professional Development Offerings
For a list of campus-based titles available by request, please visit
2015-2016 Algebra I TEKS in Action
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Burnet Room
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning,
Days 1-5
Region 10 ESC/Abrams/Bluebonnet
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley/Burnet
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley/Grayson
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley/Ellis
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley/Burnet
Math Stations in Action K-2
9:00 am- 4:00 pm
Region 10 ESC/Abrams Site
Pecan Room
Math Stations in Action 3-5
9:00 am- 4:00 pm
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Houston Room
High School Statistics
9:00am – 4:00pm
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Burnet Room
Focus on Algebra: Linear Functions
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Collin Room then Lamar Room
2015-2016 Algebra II TEKS in Action
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Houston Room
Math Stations in Action K-2
9:00 am- 4:00 pm
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Hunt Room
Learning and Teaching Geometry
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site Burnet
Math Stations in Action 3-5
9:00 am- 4:00 pm
Region 10 ESC/Abrams Site
Pecan Room
Fall 2015 High School Mathematics Cadre
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Houston Room
College Preparatory Course,
Planning for Modules 5 and 6
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Houston Room
Focus on Algebra: Exponential  Functions
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Collin Room then Grayson Room
Creating Mathematical Thinkers K-2
Region 10 ESC/Abrams Site
Mockingbird Room
2015-2016 High School Geometry TEKS in Action
Region 10 ESC/Spring Valley Site
Grayson Room
Focus on Algebra: Quadratic Functions
Region 10 ESC
Room TBD

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Elementary Math - Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: 1st Nine Weeks

Stop, Collaborate, and Listen is an after school professional learning opportunity for Elementary Math Educators in CISD.

We are excited to announce the dates for Stop, Collaborate, and Listen for the first nine weeks!  The Elementary Math Coaches will share updates to the curriculum documents and information related to the Splash Screens as well as provide opportunities to explore constructivist learning experiences related to content in the first nine weeks.  Though this professional learning opportunity is voluntary, we encourage educators to attend in order to collaborate and learn together about mathematics teaching and learning.  All resources from SC&L will be posted to the CISD Elementary Math website following the training. 

Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: First Nine Weeks  Educators should sign up in Eduphoria using the links below:
Thank you to Austin Elementary for hosting Stop, Collaborate, and Listen this year!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

2015 Released STAAR Test Items & Lead4Ward Resources

In a letter dated July 31, 2015, the Texas Education Agency, Department of Assessment and Accountability announced a partial release of 2015 STAAR test items for grades 3-8 mathematics, including grades 3-5 Spanish.

These test items are available on the Student Assessment Division website at:

The letter went on to explain: A partial release is a subset of test questions that are eligible for the assessment but do not represent the entire test blueprint. This partial release includes test questions that focus on new student expectations and readiness standards.

In addition to the grades 3-8 STAAR mathematics items, the released spring 2015 STAAR Algebra I EOC test is expected to be posted to the same Student Assessment Division website by August 10, 2015.

To support educator professional learning in light of these released tests/items, Lead4Ward has prepared the resource IQ: Investigating the Questions. These user guides (available at: educators as they work with their teams to:

  1. Discuss which part(s) of the student expectation (SE) have been tested.
  2. Connect the district curriculum to the student expectations.
  3. Discuss the level of thinking required by the test item.
  4. Discuss potential error patterns that may arise, including categorizing them as procedural, application, or conceptual errors.
  5. Use the information above to make plans to adapt instruction, select materials, structure intervention, and formatively assess as they move into the new school year.
The released STAAR test items should be viewed as another article of content to better align what is happening in the classroom to the standards required by the state.  The released items shed light on the standards as clarification for educators.